Thank you INKGIRLWORLD for nominating me.


1: Thank the blog who nominated you and link back to them (don’t forget to comment on this post so I can check out your answers).
2: Make a blog post outlining 11 facts about you,
3: Answer the 11 questions from the blog who nominated you.
4: Prepare 11 questions for those you will nominate.
5: Nominate 11 new bloggers (those who have less than 200 followers) by commenting in one of their blog posts.

Answering INKGIRLWORDS’s questions:

1.What is your favorite mystical creature? (eg dragon, gryffin); A: If I had to choose, probably a gryffin

2. Are you more a night owl or early bird?; A: night owl

3. Do you believe in angels?; A: Not really

4. Singing or dancing?; A: I don’t really like either, but if I had to choose, probably dancing

5. Do you like chocolate?; A: YES

6. would you get a tattoo?; A: Probably just a small one

7. Barnes and nobles or the mall?; A: Mall

8. do you believe in love at first sight?; A: Nah

9. what is the one thing you absolutely loathe?; A: When I listen to the radio and the commercials come on, lol.

10. What is your favorite thing about yourself?; A: That I love music

11. Do you like antique stuff?; A: Yeah, its cool

My Questions:

  1. Whats your favorite type of music(ex. country, alternative, etc)
  2. Favorite book?
  3. Favorite type of movie(ex. comedy, drama, etc.)
  4. Would you get piercings; if you have piercings would you get more?
  5. Favorite Youtuber?
  6. Movies or TV shows?
  7. Pets or nah
  8. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be
  9. Do you believe in god?
  10. Favorite actor/actress
  11. Favorite signer/band

my nominees:





Erik Fender


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